Enterprise Connection Manager

Applies to CrossBrowserTesting SaaS, last modified on January 10, 2023

The Enterprise Connection Manager is a utility to give network administrators maximum control over CrossBrowserTesting's Local Connection Feature.

Note: The Enterprise Connection Manager requires an Enterprise testing plan from CrossBrowserTesting. You can upgrade your account to CrossBrowserTesting Enterprise by contacting our Account Team.

What does it do?

Normally enabling Local Connection establishes a WebSocket tunnel between CrossBrowserTesting's devices and the user's computer. This presents a problem for some organizations for security reasons. Some network environments do not allow individual users to establish that kind of tunnel. Others need to be able to audit and control the tunnel traffic.

That is where the Enterprise Connection Manager comes in. When ECM is enabled all Local Connection requests by all users will go through the ECM, instead of the users' computers.

If run from a DMZ the network administrator can have complete control over what can be accessed over a Local Connection.

Enterprise Local Connection Manager

Enterprise Local Connection Manager../local-testing/legacy/faq.xml

Click the image to enlarge it.

Startup Process

Startup process../local-testing/legacy/faq.xml

Click the image to enlarge it.

  1. User requests tunnel via HTTP.

  2. API forwards tunnel request to ECM via WSS (secure web sockets).

  3. ECM spawns cbt_tunnels, as a sub-process.

  4. Browser proxies web traffic through cbt_tunnels via WSS (secure web sockets).

  5. VNC traffic is sent to the users browser via WSS (secure web sockets).

For more information on this, as well as how to use it, be sure to check out our document "How do I enable a Local Connection Inside a Strict Environment?"

See Also

Local Testing — Secure Tunnels
Account Management

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